After an extended beta test, WhatsApp has added a free voice calling feature to its Android app. This makes WhatsApp more competitive against services like Skype, Viber and Apple AAPL -1.5% iMessage/FaceTime.
The calling feature on WhatsApp launched for Android last month in beta
to a small number of users, followed by availability on an
invitation-only basis. Now voice calling is available for every WhatsApp
user on Android.
The WhatsApp calling feature is available on version 2.12.5, but the Google Play Store currently
offers the older version 2.12.19. The older version of WhatsApp enables
the calling feature, but app reviewers have reported that it does not
work properly yet. This means that there is a bit of extra work
necessary if you want access to the calling feature right now. You can
download the Android application package (APK) file of WhatsApp version
2.12.5 through the WhatsApp website or an APK Mirror website.
After installing the APK file and opening WhatsApp, you will see a new
tab for Calls next to the Chats and Contacts tab. Tap on the Calls tab
and select the name of the person that you want to call.
WhatsApp Calling / Credit: WhatsApp |
WhatsApp launched in 2009 as a simple group text messaging app, but a voice messaging feature was added in August 2013. And then, WhatsApp was acquired by Facebook for $19 billion in February 2014. By
April 2014, WhatsApp was hitting over 500 million monthly active users,
700 million photos shared per day, 100 million videos shared per day
and 10 billion messages sent per day. A few months ago, WhatsApp launched a desktop client service called WhatsApp Web — which is activated by Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone or Nokia S60 devices.
someone calls you from WhatsApp, you will see an incoming WhatsApp call
screen. You will be able to tap and slide the green button to answer
the call or slide the red button to decline the call. Otherwise, you can
tap on the message icon on the call screen to decline the call with a
quick message. The Calls tab has a list of all your incoming, outgoing
and missed WhatsApp calls. The WhatsApp calling feature lets you switch
to speakerphone, mute the call and view the time spent during the call. It is worth mentioning that you cannot access 911 and other emergency service numbers through WhatsApp.
WhatsApp’s calling feature does not come as a surprise. Last year, WhatsApp co-founder Jan Koum said
that voice calling will be added to WhatsApp. First it would roll out
on Android and iPhones. This would be followed by Windows Phone and
certain BlackBerry models. Last week, WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton specifically said that the voice calling feature will be added to the iOS app within the next few weeks. WhatsApp spent the last year refining the voice calling feature before it was released on Android.
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